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The Council Tax Precept

The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the council tax and is used by the Council to run and provide its services.  The precept demand is calculated each year in the Autumn when the Council sets its budget for the following financial year. This is then sent to the billing authority, South Norfolk Council, which collects the tax on behalf of the Parish Council as part of residents Council Tax payments. 

The precept typically goes towards staffing, purchase of, and maintenance of parish assets, provision of services such as dog bins and supporting local groups or facilities via donations.

Parish and town councils can apply for other funding such as grant and funding awards, but they do not receive funds direct from central government as principal authorities do.

Annual Accounts

The accounting year of all councils starts on 1st April and finishes on 31st March.  The documents below relate to the annual audit the council must complete of its finances each year. Documents may vary year on year depending on the income/expenditure of the Council and which type of audit it must complete.  

  • 2022-23

All documents published are draft until approved by the Council and submitted to the external auditor in June 2023. 

Budget 2022-23

Asset Register 2022-23

Notice of Public Rights 2022-23

Annual Governance & Accountability Return - Accounting Statement 2022-23

Annual Governance & Accountability Return - Annual Governance Statement 2022-23

Annual Governance & Accountability Return - Annual Internal Auditor Report 2022-23

Annual Governance & Accountability Return - External Auditor's Report & Certificate 2022-23

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022-23

Internal Auditor Report to Council 2022-23 

All Payments 2022-23

Payments over £100 2022-23

All Income 2022-23

Bank Reconciliation yr end 31/3/2023

Explanation of Variances 2022-23

Explanation of Reserved Funds 2022-23

Reserved Funds Report 2022-23

Comparison Against Budget 2022-23

CIL Report 2022-23

Insurance Certificate 2022-23

External auditor for 2022-23;

SBA Team
PKF Littlejohn LLP
15 Westferry Circus
Canary Wharf
E14 4HD

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